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Corporate image film

Kaulquappe and advertising agency tbd. commissioned us to produce a concept and short film about the company's key message. Kaulquappe was a firm that made architect software. The film was scheduled to be screened during the annual Swiss constructing fair.

The voice over was written by the agency, and they provided us with a few examples of their favorite kinetic typography animations. I created the storyboard and mood board using their feedback. After approval of these steps, I went into production of the animation.

My roles:
Art Director
2D Animation

Still Frames


Client: Kaulquappe AG
Agency: tbd.
Production: Nische Productions / Luana Derungs
Director: Adrian Suter
Storyboard: Adrian Suter
Art Director: Adrian Suter
Animation: Adrian Suter
Editing: Adrian Suter
Recording studio: UKO The Audio Suite